Pandas visualisation

In order to use shellplot with pandas, we first need to set the plotting backend:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> pd.set_option("plotting.backend", "shellplot")

Basic plotting

The plot method is a wrapper around shellplot.plot function. For example, we can plot a series:

>>> ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(500), index=pd.date_range("1/1/2000", periods=500))
>>> ts = ts.cumsum()
>>> ts.plot()

 31┤                                                           +
   |                                                          ++
   |                                                           +
   |                                                          ++ ++
   |                                                          + +++   +
   |                                                          + +++  +++
 24┤                                                       + ++ ++++++++
   |                                                       +++     +++ ++
   |                                                      ++++      ++ +++++
   |                                                     ++ ++           ++++
   |                                                    +++               + +
   |                                                 +  +                   +   +
 17┤                                                 ++++                   +++ ++
   |                                               +++++                     + +++
   |                                           +++ ++                         ++ +
   |                                        +  ++++++                         +  +
   |                                       ++ ++  +                               +
   |                         +            +++++  ++                               +
 10┤                        ++          + ++ ++                                    +
   |                        ++          ++   +                                    ++
   |                         +++++     ++++   +                                    ++
   |      +       +  ++  + ++ ++++     ++ +
   |       +    ++ +++++ +++  + ++    ++                                            +
   |      +++   +++++ ++  ++     ++   +
  3┤     ++++++++++ +  ++++       +   +
   | +++ +  ++++ +      ++        +
   |+++ ++   ++         +         ++  +
   |++++++                         ++ +
   | + +                           +++
   |                                ++
    2000-01-01      2000-04-09      2000-07-17      2000-10-24     2001-01-31      2001-05-10

On a dataframe, calling plot will create a scatterplot of all columns against the index:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(500, 2), index=ts.index, columns=list("AB"))
>>> df = df.cumsum()
>>> df.plot()

    |                                                                 +
  27┤                                                                 +++
    |                                                                ++ ++  +
    |                                                               ++   +++++ ++++  +
    |                                                           ++  ++    ++ ++++++  +
    |                                                       + +++++++         ++   ++
    |                                                       +++++++++              ++
  18┤                         +               ++           ++ +  + +               +
    |                 +       + +            +++        + ++ +
    |                 +       +++           ++ ++       ++++ +
    |                +++     + +++++ ++ +  ++   +       ++
    |                  +**   +   ++ +++ +++++   ++      +
    |                + *****     +    +++++     ++++  ++
   9┤      ++ +     ++*******         +++         ++ +++
    |     +++++     +**  +*+*    ***               +++++
    | ** ++ **+**  +***     +   ****                 +
    |*** +***********        ****  *                ++
    |**+**** ** *****        ***                                          **
    |*++****     +*           *     *     *                              **        **
   0┤++ +**      **           **    *     **                             * * *     **
    |                               ** * * **                            * ***     ***
    |                                *****  **                           *  **** *****
    |                                ****   **                          *     **  *
    |                                        *   *                     **      * **
  -9┤                                        **  **                   **       ***
    |                                         *  ***  **              * *       *
    |                                          *** ** ****           **
    |                                          **  * ***** **   * * **
    |                                               **    ************
    |                                                *    ** ****  **                 + A
 -18┤                                                        *                        * B
     2000-01-01      2000-04-09      2000-07-17      2000-10-24     2001-01-31      2001-05-10

Providing the keywords x and y allows to select columns:

>>> df["A"] = pd.Series(df.index)
>>> df.plot(x="A", y="B")

    |     +
    |     ++
    |     ++
   5┤     ++
    |     + +  +
    |  + ++++ +
    |+++++  ++++  +
    |+++++  +++++
    |++      +++++                                                                  ++
    |        +  + +                                                              ++ ++
  -1┤              +                                                             +++++
    |              ++ +                                                         ++ ++
    |              ++++                                                     ++  + +
    |              ++++++                                                     ++  +
    |                +++++                                                  ++ ++
    |               + ++++                                               ++  +++
  -7┤                  +++                                              +++  ++
    |                     ++           +      +                           ++  +
    |                    ++++         ++      +                         + +  +
    |                     +++       ++  +    ++                      +     +  +
    |                     + ++      + + +     +   +           +     ++  +  +
    |                       +        ++ + ++ + + +        +  ++  +  ++
    |                        ++++  ++    +++ + + ++         +++++  ++  ++
 -13┤                        +++ + +     ++    ++++      +++++ +++    +++
    |                        ++++ ++       +++    +     +++++  +   +  +++
    |                          ++++++      ++      +   ++   +  +++++
    |                           + +         +      ++++++  +      +
    |                                       +      ++++ +         +
    |                                               + +
 -19┤                                                +
     0               100             200             300             400             500

Bar plots

Bar plots can be created by:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(500, 4), columns=list("ABCD"))
>>> df.iloc[5].abs().plot.barh(figsize=(60, 17))

  |                                                   |
 D┤                                                   |
  |                                                   |
  |                                                           |
 C┤                                                           |
  |                                                           |
  |         |
 B┤         |
  |         |
  |                         |
 A┤                         |
  |                         |
   0.0        0.3         0.6        0.9         1.2        1.5


Histograms can be created by:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10000, 1), columns=list("A"))
>>> df["A"].plot.hist(bins=10)

 2850┤                                         -------
     |                                        |       |
     |                                 -------|       |
     |                                |       |       |
     |                                |       |       |
     |                                |       |       |
 2280┤                                |       |       |
     |                                |       |       |
     |                                |       |       |
     |                                |       |       |
     |                                |       |       |
     |                                |       |       |
 1710┤                                |       |       |-------
     |                                |       |       |       |
     |                                |       |       |       |
     |                         -------|       |       |       |
     |                        |       |       |       |       |
     |                        |       |       |       |       |
 1140┤                        |       |       |       |       |
     |                        |       |       |       |       |
     |                        |       |       |       |       |
     |                        |       |       |       |       |
     |                        |       |       |       |       |
     |                        |       |       |       |       |-------
  570┤                        |       |       |       |       |       |
     |                 -------|       |       |       |       |       |
     |                |       |       |       |       |       |       |
     |                |       |       |       |       |       |       |
     |                |       |       |       |       |       |       |
     |         -------|       |       |       |       |       |       |-------
    0┤ -------|       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |-------
      -4                  -2                  0                   2                   4

Box plots

Box plots can be created by:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(10, 4), columns=list("ABCD"))
>>>, 27))

  |            --------------------------------------------------
  |     |     |                      |                           |   |
 D┤     |-----|                      |                           |---|
  |     |     |                      |                           |   |
  |            --------------------------------------------------
  |                         ----------------
  |           |            |        |       |                               |
 C┤           |------------|        |       |-------------------------------|
  |           |            |        |       |                               |
  |                         ----------------
  |                 ---------------------------------------
  | |              |                |                      |               |
 B┤ |--------------|                |                      |---------------|
  | |              |                |                      |               |
  |                 ---------------------------------------
  |                  -------------------------------------------
  |     |           |                                   |       |          |
 A┤     |-----------|                                   |       |----------|
  |     |           |                                   |       |          |
  |                  -------------------------------------------
   0.0             0.2             0.4            0.6             0.8             1.0

Scatter plots

Scatter plots can be created by:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(50, 2), columns=["a", "b"])
>>> df["c"] = df["a"] > 0.5
>>> df.plot.scatter(x="a", y="b", color="c")

 1.0┤                                                *
    |   *                   *
    |                         *       *
    |                                  *
    |            *
    |                                   *
 0.8┤                            *
    |                    *                                       *
    |          *                                             *
    |                     *               *         *                     *         *
    |  *            *
 0.6┤                                **                 *
    |                              *
    |                                                                            * *
    |                *                         *   +
    |                                                 +        +         +
 0.4┤                                                   +
    |                                                         +
    |      +
    |                                                                +
    |                                                                 +
    |                          +
 0.2┤            +                        +                                    +
    |                                    +                             +          +
    |               +     +                                            +
    |           +
    |                                            +              +                     + False
 0.0┤                                                                                 * True
     0.0             0.2             0.4             0.6             0.8             1.0